Manager Group
The selection of all of the beneficiaries will be performed via Public Notices approved by the Managing Group following all CAPES regulations and Internal University Resolutions. It is important to highlight that all of the scholarship holders will be selected fulfilling the theme of the project "Food Production and Food Safety".
The supervision of the project will be performed by the Pro-rector of Postgraduate, by the Project Managing Group and by all of the coordinators of the Postgraduate programs included in the proposal. This will also be made possible through the support of an Administrator, UFLA’s employee at the Pro-Rectory of Graduate Office (PRPG), that will supervise all the development and compliance of the rules demanded by CAPES and also the rules created by the university that was stated in the project.
The monitoring of the achievements of the goals and of the indicators of the execution of the project will be performed through a system developed by the Rectors Office Counsel for Indicators, providing objective information about the execution of what had been planned. The system will be fed by each Graduate Program Coordinator involved in the project and should be managed by the PRPG administrator that will present periodic reports to the Post-Graduate Pro-rector and to the Managing Group.
Every objective, goal and indicator will be inserted in the system and should be evaluated each trimester to achieve an effective control of the designated resources. It will be a control and transparency tool, through which the Pro-rector of Graduate programs and all of the managing team will be able to monitor with precision the achievements of the goals that have been previously defined. If judged necessary, actions could be taken to adequate the objectives; and thus, obtain the results desired for the success of the project.